Tango for Money

Tango for Money

The story of Tango For Money takes place in an exclusive clandestine milonga: La Yumba



We were interested in the idea of ​​taking charge of Tango For Money, not only for being a tango short film, but also fascinated by the freedom that we were given to take charge of the project, which also meant an enormous professional challenge because the filming dates They could not be changed and there was much to do in a very short time. This was a real test of fire that we overcome with a lot of sweat on the part of all the members of the team who collaborated with us in an altruistic way.


The story of Tango For Money takes place in an exclusive clandestine milonga: La Yumba. In any city, at any time.
The Yumba is an elegant and somewhat mysterious place, which men come to at nightfall and pay, not only for entering, but also for dancing tango with the women who work there.
Our story begins when a mysterious woman with long black nails writes an envelope and deposits it in the mailbox of someone named Berugo Lombardo. When Berugo finds the envelope, he checks that there is a lot of money inside.

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